Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Amazing Race

One of my favorite TV shows is The Amazing Race. Being a reality show, the show speaks of our attitude and aptitude. I realized that members of a team got to know each other better and better as they went on running the race. They might be thinking they have known each other well enough but as the race goes on, they realized that there are many more things that they don't know about his/her partner.

Looking at the way the race goes, I find out there a few important elements that participants need to master. Amongst other are:

  • Instruction
    • Each instruction need to be really understood by the participants. Failure to do so will lead the team to a wrong direction
  • Wise decision
    • When facing detour, teams need to decide wisely.
  • Team spirit
    • Since it is a team game, it's very important to support one another in the team. Selfishness is absolutely intolerable.
  • Perseverance
    • Never give up attitude is a must
  • All talents are to be used to the fullest
    • In order to complete all tasks, participants have to use whatever talents that they have such as bargaining, begging, persuading and so on.
Paul equaled Christianity to a racing event. Everyone is running towards the finish line. Our goal is to finish the race. Ranking is not really a matter.But it is not an easy race. Throughout the race we may face many obstacles. Some may give up the race.

I see this as another version of The Amazing Race. We are the contesting teams. God is watching us throughout the race. As long as we reach the finish line, we are not going to be eliminated even though we may be the last team to arrive. In the show, there are teams who only arrive late at night even in the wee hour of the next morning. But the host will still be there waiting for them and to tell them their position. So does God. He will be waiting for us even though we arrive late at night, in the wee hour or on the next day. He will always be waiting because He wants us to finish the race, to reach the finish line.

In the show, each team that arrived at the finish line looked so bad. They were tired and exhausted. But the host and his aids will welcome them with smiles before saying "You are team No. so and so". When they were told that they were not the last team to arrive, they would leap and hug each other in joy. They forgot about all the sweats and tears that had poured out throughout the race. Now they are ready for their rewards.

I could imagine that when we reach the finish line, we will be in a bad shape as well after all the obstacles that we have gone through. But He will be there together with His angels, welcoming us with joy and singing....heaven will be applauding us...or we will be given a standing ovation....and there He is, approaching us and says " Son, welcome to heaven. You are now citizen of heaven".....

But to be able to reach the finish line, we need to understand the instruction (the commands of God), we need to choose wisely (God will help us in making decision if we ask Him), we need to support each other (we need to love one another, built one another), we have to persevere (we cannot give up but ask God for strength), we need to use all our talents (Talents are from God. We need to use them for God).

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