Monday, September 29, 2008

God Provides Everything

by David Gwee (Singapore)

[Jesus] said to his disciples, "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear."
-Luke 12:22 (NIV)

THE company I was working for reduced staff, and I lost my job. This left me feeling very concerned about the future. Would I be able to provide for my wife and children?

One day when I was feeling particularly worried, I took a walk in a nearby park. Suddenly a flash of brilliant blue caught my eye. It was a kingfisher that had just flown down from a nearby branch. Quickly the bird was back up in the tree, gulping down a worm. This surprised me. I had thought that kingfishers ate only fish. The bird flew down to the ground and back up into the tree six or seven times. Each time it returned to the tree with a worm, which it swiftly swallowed. Then it began to sing a happy song.

The kingfisher easily caught many worms. Although they weren't its preferred food, it seemed to be happy. Then I realized that the God who provides food for a kingfisher would no doubt provide for me and my family. Even if I had to survive on less money and fewer goods than before, I could still be joyful in God.

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