Tuesday, August 12, 2008

forgiven by grace

by Tony Nancarrow (South Australia, Australia)

All of us make many mistakes.
-James 3:2 (NRSV)

EVEN though Simon the Pharisee neglected to offer Jesus the customary courtesies of hospitality - foot washing, a kiss, anointing - he is appalled that Jesus would allow this sinful woman to touch him. Jesus then tells a parable about two people whose debts were forgiven by a compassionate moneylender. One had been given a large sum and the other a much smaller amount. Jesus asks Simon which of the two would love the moneylender the most. When Simon identifies the one who has been forgiven the most, Jesus draws parallels between the parable and the woman who has anointed his feet.

A marginalized and judged woman responded to the generous love and grace of God in a way that a religious leader was unable to do. God's way is unbound by legalism. Rather, God's way is the way of grace, forgiveness, generosity, justice, compassion, and inclusion - a message embodied in Jesus.

Like Simon, we all know what it is like to make mistakes and to think ourselves always right. But God's love and forgiveness challenge our self-righteousness. If we truly receive the freedom God's grace gives us, we will be slow to judge and quick to forgive.

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