Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Arm of the Lord

Read Romans 8:35-39

Cast all your anxiety on [God], because he cares for you.
-1 Peter 5:7 (NRSV)

EVERYWHERE I looked, I saw problems in my family. My mother, living at the other end of the country, had been admitted into the hospital in an emergency. My sister, her caregiver, had been diagnosed with the same infection. My husband feared losing his job; my younger daughter was having difficulties in her student accommodations, and my working hours had been cut from 28 to eight hours a week. Having broken my ankle, I felt overwhelmed, helpless, and as if I were a liability rather than an asset to my family. I could see no solutions. I needed to be in two places at once, and I could barely cope with the situation in one place.

Then I felt God say in my heart, "Come to me." Walking to a nearby window, I looked out at the vast expanse of sky. I relaxed and slowly exhaled a deep breath. The inward voice spoke again, "Am I too small?"

With sky illuminated from horizon to horizon, what could I say? "No, Lord!" I breathed.

"Then give me all your cares."

A tiny silver speck of an airplane emerged from between the vast, billowing clouds. My problems must seem like that to God. I realized then that knowing God is with me is enough.

by M. S. Foster (England)

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