Monday, June 15, 2009

Giants in the Road

Read Numbers 13:25–14:9

The people who live [in Canaan] are powerful, and their cities are very large and well fortified. Even worse, we saw the descendants of the giants there.
-Numbers 13:28 (TEV)

A tiny, orange salamander rested at the edge of the expansive black road. From the other side of the road, the waters of a mountain stream beckoned. The creature crept forward, but froze as we "giants" blocked its path.

At the same time, my friend and I stared at the small animal on the road. Just a few feet from the safety of the stream, it stopped, seemingly paralyzed by fear. I realized that often my life mirrors this. At times, I am eager to reach a goal but afraid to face the "giants," just like the Israelites who lost courage even with the Promised Land in sight. Joshua and Caleb's response to the people's fear reminds me: "The Lord is with us . . . so don't be afraid" (Num. 14:9).

We all face giants such as financial difficulties, temptations of the flesh, and selfish desires. One of my scariest giants appeared when I had to decide whether or not to leave my dream job to move closer to my wife's family. I made the move, and in my new location I found the abundant love of family and friends who helped me to grow closer to Christ. Once I acted on my trust in the Lord, I discovered that I had entered my "promised land."

by Jesse F. Stewart (South Carolina, USA)

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