Monday, September 7, 2009

Forgiving Others

Read Matthew 18:21-35

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
-Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)

SUNDAY morning. Time for church. My husband and two older children had walked out the door, but I stayed behind, too hurt and angry to get myself and the baby ready to go. I felt bitter and slighted from a problem at church. God knew I had a right to cry. I decided to stay home and nurse my hurt feelings with angry tears.

Reaching for the baby's bottle, I heard a voice speak one word in my heart. Forgive. I paused, startled. I knew whose voice I had heard. God was gently nudging me. It wasn't easy, but in time and with God's help, I did forgive.

Now, at 80 years old, I look back to see how many times in the past 50 years I have needed to heed God's simple command -- "Forgive!" Sometimes I delay and sometimes I complain, but, with God's help, I forgive. When I pray the Lord's Prayer, asking to be forgiven as I forgive others, I know what I must do. The peace and comfort of God's presence are worth the effort. We can forgive others with love because Christ first loved and forgave us.

by Joyce Woeste (Iowa, USA)

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