Friday, April 17, 2009

Who's Watching?

Read Colossians 3:15-17

Jesus said, "You are like light for the whole world."
-Matthew 5:14 (TEV)

SOME years ago while studying abroad, I was sad and homesick. My studies were proving more challenging than I had expected. One morning I was especially downhearted, feeling sorry for myself, when I heard a sound, "Tap! Tap!" Looking out my window, I saw a young, blind woman. The tapping sound was produced by the stick she was using to make her way.

Despite her handicap, she determinedly made her way along. As I reflected on what I saw in this young woman, I was encouraged to continue with my studies and, in due course, completed them.

Christ calls us to put forth our best effort in any task. We never know who may be watching us - someone suffering from a debilitating disease, a colleague at work facing financial challenges, a young person discouraged because he can't find a job, a young couple trying to cope with a rocky marriage, a member of our own family in distress. All these as well as others may be looking for encouragement and inspiration that could come from our example. This is precisely why Jesus reminds us, "You are like light for the whole world."

by J. Emmette Weir (The Bahamas)

Someone may say "I want to be like you". Why? Because the person sees something interesting in our life be it our deeds, character or achievements. But at the same time also, people may say "Do not be like him" because they see something not so encouraging in our life.

We live our lives in the eyes of the world. Someone is watching us whether we want it or not. We ought to live encouraging others maybe not by talking to them but showing it to them in our deeds.

Someone will be encouraged or discouraged by the way we live today....

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