Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Building up deeper relationship with God: From Knowledge to Friendship

Read 1 Corinthians 2:6-16

Jesus said, "I no longer call you servants. ... Instead, I have called you friends."
-John 15:15 (NIV)

IN my home while growing up, I was exposed to the Bible early and often. I memorized the names of the books of the Bible, learned to locate scripture references quickly, and memorized many scripture passages. In my 30s, I attended church regularly and taught Sunday school, using the knowledge I had gained as a child.

But as I entered the fifth decade of my life, my faith was nonexistent. Though I knew a lot about Christ and the Bible, I did not have a personal relationship with the living God.

God was gracious. A personal crisis brought me to a state of brokenness. In desperation and through the loving counsel of a pastor and other friends, I committed myself to a deeper relationship with Christ.

I will spend the remainder of my life learning what it means for me to let Christ be Lord. Now the Bible holds great value for me. I study it as a hungering pupil who wants to know more about the One I love and serve.

by K. Jackson Peevy (Alabama, USA)

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