Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Leaning Toward the Light

Read John 1:1-5

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.
-John 1:5 (NRSV)

WHEN my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer, our initial conversation turned toward the gloom of illness and death. There were tears, fears, and struggles as she grappled with the possibilities that lay before her.

But then a light flickered. As she turned her attention toward healing, a light began to grow in the darkness. It grew brighter as people expressed support and prayed for her. This gave us hope. Some people provided books and other information that helped her move from darkness to light. Her faith in God gave her the assurance that cancer would not have the final word. God's healing would be her light in the darkness.

As she recovered over the Advent/Christmas season at home, our family grew closer in love. That holy season took on new meaning. God's love was abundant - everywhere evident in the lights, sounds, and aromas of the season.

As John proclaimed centuries ago, the darkness cannot overcome the light. The light of God is love - a fire, an illumination, a dance - that enables us to trust in our Creator's grace. This light also transforms our dark places into lustrous examples of the power of God.

by Todd Outcalt (Indiana, USA)

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