Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Root of Bitterness

Read Genesis 27:30-41

Pursue peace with everyone. . . . See to it . . . that no root of bitterness springs up and causes trouble.
-Hebrews 12:1415 (NRSV)

THE company I have worked for over the last 21 years recently reorganized. When the dust settled, I found myself in a new position. A younger engineer with much less experience was given the job that I loved. The injustice I felt created bitterness within me.

Today's scripture reading tells of "a root of bitterness" that sprouts within Esau after Jacob steals his birthright and blessing. The bitterness grows into such hatred that Esau plans to kill Jacob, his own flesh and blood. Bitterness can work that way - consuming us as a briar consumes a garden. Left unchecked, it grows stronger and stronger and chokes out the fruit in our lives. And like a briar, its root must be removed entirely or it will sprout up again.

I discovered this painful truth: Bitterness hurts the one who harbors it more than the one to whom it is directed. I came to realize that my bitterness was stealing my joy, breaking my fellowship with God, and contradicting God's will. But when we discover briars of bitterness, God can help us to forgive and so uproot them.

by Terry Thomas Bowman (North Carolina, USA)

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